This month's Full Moon lands in the ambitious sign of Leo on February 16th and brings energies of endless opportunities and abundance. The Full Moon this month also corresponds with the Lunar Nodes which are specific points between the sun and the moon that represent our destiny and foundations. These points will remain in their places for the next 17 months and will have us questioning our values and worth. With the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio, we can expect a deeper discovery of ourselves, our purpose and our power during this time.
While traditionally most of us celebrate the New Year in January, February actually holds a lot of that New Year energy. January was a time for us to release and reflect on 2021, and going into this month with two 222 portals we can expect a complete shift in energy. The angel numbers 222 represent light and love. Seeing this can affirm your path and reminds you to trust your light and lead with high vibrational love. This month holds some of the strongest energy we will feel this year. With all planets now direct, and no planets in retrograde, this is the time to take charge of your intentions, plans and aspirations.
The same day our Moon is at its fullest, Venus and Mars align in the sign of Capricorn, creating strong energetic forces. Venus is the planet of love and money while Mars is the warrior planet. Combined, this alignment creates a passionate and magnetic force that could bring some soul contracts together during this time. Soul contracts could be a romantic partner/ twin flame, or a member of your soul family that will aid with your purpose and life journey. With the Venus and Mars alignment under a Leo Full Moon, you best believe that this time will push us to balance and strengthen our sacred feminine and masculine energies. Venus and Mars together is also a highly creative force, which may push some of us to find inspiration within projects that we are currently working on or want to develop.
While some of us have found that our careers align with our soul purpose, the rest of us may feel as if our soul purpose and our careers are different categories. Leading with your highest potential and living from a place of purpose is a state of mind; a state of being. If you are finding that your career is not fulfilling you at this time, ask yourself what can you do that will fulfil you. Can you turn your purpose into a career opportunity? Can fulfilling your purpose become an outlet that can create a balance in your life with your career? Under this Full Moon you can seek the answers to these questions, as the influence of this month's energy will navigate us towards our destiny. Let go of the idea that you have to search deeper to find your purpose, because chances are it's right in front of you. What you like to do, what brings you happiness and what will help to elevate the frequency of this world. Your purpose is found from within.
Ride the waves of this Full Moon as it will feel like a running start to an incredible year. Lead with love, always and trust. In yourself, in the universe and in the highest source. The yin and yang are aligning this month, it's time to get to work!