If you haven't heard the news by now, November's Full Beaver Moon is about to be a BIG one (spiritually, not just physically). During this time of the year, beavers became very active by building their dams in preparation for the winter season. Beavers are smart nocturnal creatures that use the light of the Full Moon to build their habitats. It is also said that this time of year was named the Beaver Moon after the Algonquin tribes, as they would set beaver traps in order to secure their supply of winter fur.

The November 12th Full Moon in Taurus delivers one of the best energy portals that we have had in a long time. It brings new beginnings, action, change, recognition and blessings. It will guide you in a direction that will teach you how to turn your dreams into a reality.
This year has been preparing us for a cosmic shift alignment that will carry us into the year 2020. Many of us have been called upon to upgrade our lives, our thoughts, our relationships, and ourselves. The question is, once this shift begins, will you be choosing to stay stagnant in the cycles of your past? Or, will you consciously be choosing to move forward by enriching and embracing your spiritual growth?
2019 has been a year of following our gut feelings, speaking our truths, and focusing on what truly matters. The common trait while facing all of these factors is that we were present during those moments. There has been a huge focus on setting boundaries this year and realizing how our actions affect not only ourselves, but those around us.
This Full Moon will leave behind old patterns and broken dreams. There is a strong theme of closure surrounding this Taurus Moon, as Full Moons signify the end of a cycle. Whatever has been weighing us down, will suddenly seem to be lighter. The lessons from this Full Moon help us to finally free ourselves from blocks that prevent our growth.
By focusing on gratitude, we attract the vibration of abundance. Even if the year did not go as planned, there is always power in finding something to be thankful for. This Full Moon has many blessings to offer; we just have to open our hearts, our minds and know that we are worthy of receiving.